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MoneyCubes meet the world

American MoneyCube, Greek MoneyCube and Horvatska MoneyCube.
Dutilization of different world currencies is in progress.
American MoneyCube, Greek MoneyCube and Horvatska MoneyCube.
Dutilization of different world currencies is in process.
American MoneyCube, Greek MoneyCube and Horvatska MoneyCube.
Dutilization of different world currencies is in progress.
American MoneyCube, Greek MoneyCube and Horvatska MoneyCube.
Dutilization of different world currencies is in progress.
A vase of flowers, fallen petals  by John Steck Jr.
Disappearing Photograph.
This image remains sensitive to light and over time will disappear.

#MoneyCubes met the world for the first time at SSAC last Friday.
American MoneyCube, Greek MoneyCube and Horvatska MoneyCube.
Dutilization of different world currencies is in progress.

There was a remarkable piece of art at the gallery – Disappearing Photograph by John Steck Jr.