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HedgeCone Contest

HedgeConeAnimation4#HedgeCone Contest

Make the best Facebook post about the HedgeCone,

Win a Money Cube !

George Washington MoneyCube

George Washington MoneyCube

This is a juried contest.

We will consider everything – pictures, videos, number of likes, shares, and an overall story of the post.





Official rules

1. The post must have official hashtags #HedgeCone & #MoneyCube.
2. The post must clearly state that it’s an entry for the HedgeCone MoneyCube contest.
2. The post must have a link to this page.
3. This contest will activate when we have 100 entries.
4. This contest ends August 31, 2013

The contest has been closed September 1, 2013

And the winner is –

Lisa Maxwell-Rounds for her facebook album.

The album captures many wonderful moments of people of all ages interacting with the HedgeCone at Figment 2013.

Lisa is awarded the grand prize –

the George Washington MoneyCube.


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