12. THE WAR – time to start a real battle – first battlefield: terminology
This war has been going on since the beginning of times. It disregards all commonplace features of warfare – there is no clear front line, there is no military uniform, the weapons are totally unconventional. Even more – the enemies are not clearly defined.
Only one side is more or less visible – vulnerable and defenseless, the side which is mostly victimized and abused. The other party is well camouflaged, more aware of what’s going on, more aggressive and vicious.
Free spirited vs GTDsts.No more, no less. This terminology is not perfect, there is not much research done from this angle, below is a mere attempt to clear this approach and give more definitions.
Free spirited people live by inspiration – there is nothing more important for them than a creative process itself. They are mainly in balance with the surrounding in its most general form. They feel the energy flow in the universe, they can connect to it and draw from it. Their activity usually does not fit into formal restraints of so called “normal life”. GTDsts (the term comes from Get Things Done) are different people – their world consists of rigid blocks of actions separated and divided by schedule lines, boundaries, and deadlines.